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Save Money on Homeschool Curriculum

Menu for Used and New Homeschool Curriculum     *New items added daily*

Homeschool Articles:

Teaching Kindergarten in Homeschool

Children are not items on an assembly line that are all exactly alike. They each have strengths and weaknesses and learning styles. The strength of homeschooling is in its individualization. We don’t have to force a round peg into a square hole. Our children don’t have to acquire a skill during the month or year that the teaching objectives require it. A child that would be on Ritalin or in a special class at “school” is perfectly able to learn at home with a program that suits his/her needs. This is true freedom in education and once you taste it, and see how your children thrive, and how the family can be home-centered and family-centered and learn together, traditional school just doesn’t measure up.  …MORE

Homeschooled Engineers at 13 and 11 Years Old
Homeschooled Engineers at 13 and 11 Years Old
Homeschooled Engineers

Homeschool gave Lane and Nathan the freedom to pursue their own interests. Their creative ideas were encouraged and enabled. We often gave them time away from some of their traditional school assignments to get really involved in a project.
If you have a budding engineer, provide him/her time, space, and materials to work on projects. There are so many great building sets available. The time your child spends building is not wasted time. They may be building important things one day soon and making a living for their families with their building expertise. ...MORE

Homeschooling on a Shoestring

The financial crisis is affecting all of us. Here are some things that I have done to save money on homeschooling. Maybe they will help you…..MORE tips for saving money while homeschooling.

Delight Directed Learning

Homeschoolers are always trying to choose the best curriculum for their children, and of course that is important. However, the beauty of homeschooling is that it is not standardized as traditional schooling is. At home and within my own family, I can tailor our learning time to my own children, not to the “average” child. ….MORE about learning inspired by interest.

As a young mother in the 80s, I subscribed to Growing Without Schooling to read about this curious “new homeschooling.” I was amazed as I read story after story of children thriving by spending time with their parents, learning throughout the day– more from activity, reading aloud and conversation than from textbooks. Then in 1985 I found a book that really gave me a heart for homeschooling. The book was: Home Grown Kids: A Practical Handbook for Teaching Your Children at Home by Dorothy and Raymond Moore

Best Homeschool Buys – Deal Alert

As parents and homeschool families, we are always on the lookout for a good deal that will provide a great learning experience for our kids.  Here are a few great deals this week from our Affiliates!  Please note, we do receive a small commission off any purchases made from these links.  It costs you nothing, yet helps to keep our website running. Let us encourage one another as we walk together, Heather   SAVE 46%…

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Cover Story Writing Curriculum Review

MIDDLE SCHOOL LANGUAGE ARTS If your Middle Schooler is struggling with a traditional writing program and prefers a more creative approach, then I encourage you to check out “Cover Story”.  We used this program for my creative, artistic daughter when she was in Middle School.  She LOVED it! We found this program creative and fun, with a neat story line that enhanced the learning experience.  I would not recommend this for students that absolutely hate…

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  Notebooking is a great way to organize a lot of information with our homeschooling kids!  You can pretty much organize ANYTHING with Notebooking.   There are several articles on our website about different ways to use notebooking, so I won’t rehash a lot of information here. Notebooking Pages has been around for a while and is a great place to start when you are first starting out with Notebooking.  They offer loads of FREE downloads for…

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Hi everyone!  Let’s face it – Homeschool moms are some of the WORST at Self-Care!  We take care of everyone else around us, full speed ahead, and are constantly leaving our own nurturing and nourishment as the last think on our list.  How many times do we fall into bed never having done that one thing for our own growth and encouragement?  If I am honest with you – most of the time would be…

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Guesthollow Awesome History Timeline Schedule Review

I want to take a few minutes and tell you about Guesthollow Awesome History Timeline Schedule. This is truly an AWESOME schedule!  I am currently on my second time around using this schedule with my multi-age crew.  If you like real books with map activities, video options, activities and other things thrown it then you want to go and look at this FREE program. Here is an excerpt from the website’s description of the schedule: What is…

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It’s that time of year again… time to sell the used curriculum and purchase new.  If you are like many of us, homeschooling curriculum tends to pile up over time and your home starts to look like a homeschool curriculum store! Over the years of homeschooling, one of my favorite sites to consistently buy and sell used curriculum is Ebay.  If I have a set of something I am trying to sell, this seems to…

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Math Lessons for a Living Education Review

Charlotte Mason-styled Homeschool Math program   After trying several workbook-based math programs with my youngest son, I ran across this one at a convention a few years ago and decided to look at it.  As I was looking through the workbooks, I found that this was truly a unique and one-of-a-kind product!  The lessons are very easy to follow and include the “why’s” of mathematics.  There are even life lessons interwoven into each chapter!  …

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Happy Birthday Notebooking Pages! Membership Sale

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOTEBOOKING PAGES! If you have been wanting to incorporate notebooking into your homeschool, now is the time to do it!  Notebooking Pages is having a Birthday and offering lifetime memberships to everyone at almost 1/2 off!  This is a great value! From seasonal to history to science, they have something for everyone!   3-DAY BIRTHDAY MEMBERSHIP SALE WHEN: Wednesday, April 25 – Friday, April 27 WHERE: DETAILS: SAVE $47 on Notebooking Pages LIFETIME Memberships …LIFETIME…

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Curriculum Fever, Saving Money and…Free Chromebook anyone?

As we wind down the last few months of the school year and start planning for next year’s needs, I bet many of us are evaluating what worked and didn’t for this past school year.  It’s the time of Homeschool Conventions and Curriculum sales.  I have found a great way to save money on many of my curriculum choices and would like to share this resource with you!  I have used this company for the…

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TruthQuest History and Notebooking

Truthquest History!  What a wonderful resource for teaching multi-age history!  I have used this program in many different seasons of our homeschool journey.  This curriculum is absolutely perfect for those that are looking for complete flexibility in what books and materials you use.  It is also ideal for those that prefer to write out your own schedules. Because it is completely customizable to ages and abilities, it suits a wide range of children.  I have…

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You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

- Deuteronomy 6:7 -  

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