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Homeschool Articles:
Teaching Kindergarten in Homeschool
Children are not items on an assembly line that are all exactly alike. They each have strengths and weaknesses and learning styles. The strength of homeschooling is in its individualization. We don’t have to force a round peg into a square hole. Our children don’t have to acquire a skill during the month or year that the teaching objectives require it. A child that would be on Ritalin or in a special class at “school” is perfectly able to learn at home with a program that suits his/her needs. This is true freedom in education and once you taste it, and see how your children thrive, and how the family can be home-centered and family-centered and learn together, traditional school just doesn’t measure up. …MORE
Homeschooled Engineers
The financial crisis is affecting all of us. Here are some things that I have done to save money on homeschooling. Maybe they will help you…..MORE tips for saving money while homeschooling.
Homeschoolers are always trying to choose the best curriculum for their children, and of course that is important. However, the beauty of homeschooling is that it is not standardized as traditional schooling is. At home and within my own family, I can tailor our learning time to my own children, not to the “average” child. ….MORE about learning inspired by interest.
- As a young mother in the 80s, I subscribed to Growing Without Schooling to read about this curious “new homeschooling.” I was amazed as I read story after story of children thriving by spending time with their parents, learning throughout the day– more from activity, reading aloud and conversation than from textbooks. Then in 1985 I found a book that really gave me a heart for homeschooling. The book was: Home Grown Kids: A Practical Handbook for Teaching Your Children at Home by Dorothy and Raymond Moore